
Показват се публикации от февруари, 2015

Natural Remedies for Internal Parasites - ФБ - 11.02.2015.

It’s not entirely unrealistic to assume that you have parasites. Despite what many people think, they come in many shapes and sizes and are a health concern beyond the borders of impoverished countries with poor health care. Recent research by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) presented shocking estimates of how prevalent parasitic organisms are in the U.S. Parasites are often microscopic and are most commonly spread through water and food. The CDC report states that there are several million Americans living with parasitic infections [1]. Of those Americans, an excess of 300,000 have the trypanosoma cruzi, the host that causes chagas disease, resulting in lifetime heart and brain complications. U.S. hospitals see about 1,000 cases of the taenia solium tapeworm every year. Toxoplasma gondii, otherwise known as the “cat poop parasite” infects about 60 million U.S. citizens in a single year. Natural Remedies for Internal Parasites The sheer numbers of these parasites are uns...